Phochick says-
The Asian Excellence Awards - the Oscars for the Asians - happens this Memorial Day Weekend, but sadly, the Seattle area won't be able to watch it. Why? For some reason AZN is no longer on Comcast basic cable, nor is World TV, which used to have some Asian programming as well. What happened? Does this area have the 4th largest percentage of APAs in the country or not? What happened to our Asian cable shows? Sad...
Also on my list of disappointments, under the Favorite Reality TV star category, our Asian American UFC fighters Andy Wang and BJ Penn aren't listed (well, maybe this will happen for next year's vote). Andy Wang is on Ultimate Fighter 5 - the only Asian contestant that I recall. He was getting very little play for the first few episode. Then when it was time for Andy to fight, we finally got to see what Wang was all about. He is totally proud of representing APAs, and wasn't avoiding or hiding his racial background. He talked about his family, in particular his grandparent who was very influential on his fighting and philosophy. He is into the whole samurai honor thing, which is fun to hear about on the show. I was sad when he lost - and even sadder when he cried, and kept crying, and kept crying.
But we forgive him for that - who wouldn't cry after getting beat up? What is more sad is the fact that his coach - or former coach- BJ Penn kicked Wang off his team. Penn is a well-respected fighter from Hawaii. Wang wanted to train with him because he's also from Hawaii. Unfortunately, Wang has an ear problem - not the cauliflower wrestling ear problem, but Wang doesn't listen! (Frankly, I seem to be meeting more and more people who can't and won't take good advice!) Because of Wang's stubborness, he lost his fight, and he lost his Hawaii connection. We love to see Asian brothers stick together, but we're sad to see them break apart.
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